Tring Live Media
Tring Live Media
Delivering the right offer at the right price, the right time, and the right location.
Tring Live media is a recognized leader in the in-store audio market and have developed a better way to offer in-store audio that goes beyond just supplying background music as a service in the grocery vertical space.
Tring’s in-store audio network of 500-plus grocery retailers deliver advertisers the opportunity to engage with more than an average of 3.5 million shoppers per week. Their solutions create value to everyone: sales lift for the retailers, point-of-purchase exposure for brands, and an entertaining experience for the shoppers.
Engages your audience.
The Tring Network reaches the entire store with your ad message and can lead your consumers to your product.
Immediate call to action.
Immediate access to customers will inform them why should act today. It seems simple, but a call-to-action message does improve shopper’s motivations.
Customer Education
In store ads help shoppers learn more about your product while they shop.
Partnership Potential
Partnering potential allows retailer and brand sponsorship opportunities supporting local events, while creating shopper loyalty.
Event Specific Sales
Event-specific sales programs give advertisers the opportunity to tie in holidays, sporting and cultural events, and local happenings.
Cross-Channel Promotion
Generate online and social-media interests. In-Store Radio is the ideal complement to a brand’s digital promotions across multiple channels.